2D Animation

2D Animation

Animated advertisement for an unbranded post partum depression campaign pitch
Animated advertisement for an unbranded post partum depression campaign pitch
Animated advertisement for an unbranded post partum depression campaign pitch
Animated advertisement for an unbranded post partum depression campaign pitch
Animated advertisement for an unbranded post partum depression campaign pitch
Animated advertisement for an unbranded post partum depression campaign pitch
Animated advertisement for an unbranded post partum depression campaign pitch
Animated advertisement for an unbranded post partum depression campaign pitch
Animated advertisement for an unbranded post partum depression campaign pitch
Animated advertisement for an unbranded post partum depression campaign pitch
PPD Campaign Ads
The above animations were created as part of a pitch for a disease-state education campaign pitch, aimed at educating on the severity of Post-Partum Depression and encouraging mothers who are suffering to reach out and seek help. These were created as part of an interdepartmental intern pitch during my time at AbelsonTaylor - I assisted with original concepting, and the basic assets and final concepts were created by Eva Topelewski, our Art Direction intern.
 In turn, I took these concepts and animated them in After Effects as proposed social media and banner ads, that could function as short-form gifs and long-form videos. An emphasis was placed on simple but eye-catching typography animations, with some concepts including the 'two pink lines' of a positive pregnancy test, which indicated the start of a mother's journey through PPD, and showing PPD as a continued pregnancy complication. I really wanted to make these animations simple but eye-catching, to help bring attention to how invisible and under-served women with PPD are in our society. It's a disease that affects 1 in 7 mothers, though that statistic may be higher due to the amount of women who go undiagnosed. 

A fun typography animation of song lyrics from Major Lazer's song "Powerful". This began simply to experiment with the fractal text animation, but I soon became carried away and this became a larger project incorporating it with other text animations, which were crafted to make the fractal text feel more impactful in comparison. The main word I was experimenting with, being 'Energy', and the energy-filled style of the animation itself reminded me of this song, leading to this quick and colorful lyrical animation.

I was commissioned to make this animation for Bradley University's Admissions Office, as an invitational animation for their admissions events in Dallas and Houston. The events were dubbed 'The Texas Two Step', and the final animation features elements of both Bradley University and Texas together- Bradley's iconic Bradley Hall, and the Texas state flower, the Texas Bluebonnet.

The predominant colors in this are red and white, the colors of Bradley University. Assets were kept simple and stylized, so as not to be too distracting or jarring and give the entire piece a more cohesive look. Bradley Hall and the Texas Bluebonnet, as the primary elements and symbols of Bradley and Texas together, were given the most level of detail to emphasize and draw the eye towards them. The assets were created in Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator and animated/composited in Adobe After Effects.

I was tasked with creating this animation for OSF Healthcare's OSFAR app, which aimed to educate users on COVID-19 and how the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work, in the hopes of removing the stigma and fear around it. This was created as a multi-animator project with two other animators- this is the section I created as part of a larger animation detailing the creation of mRNA vaccines, and their functions.

The overall art style is meant to be as clean and simple as possible, to make it easy for the viewer to understand and visualize, and make the entire process feel less technical and more friendly. I crafted all of the assets in Adobe Illustrator, and animated and composited the work in Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro.

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